Luckily I had the day off the next day and I was able to stay home with him. He was sick with flu symptoms all day and that evening I finally decided that he just had to be seen because after only two hours from his last dose of tylenol he had a fever of 103.8! We took him to the children's after hours clinic and were told he had an ear infection. We were given an rx for antibiotics, but we wanted to hold off to see if he could get over it on his own.
The next day things got worse for him... he was so unsteady on his feet that he fell right into the corner of a wall and hit his head! I called his pediatric office frantic- this was MY baby, not a child that I was doing a triage call on at work. I went over all the signs of head injury with the nurse there and we decided that he was okay and did not need to be seen. I put him down for nap for just over an hour and when he woke up he had a huge walnut on his forehead!! I freaked and called his doctor's office and told them I was bringing him in. I could not take any chances with my little boy! When the doctor saw him, it was obvious why he had fallen, he had a ragging infection in both ears. I was told to start the abx right away and to keep him on tylenol and motrin for the pain (ears and head). His head was okay, but it still looks like I beat my child. I am so embarassed taking him places. I put a hat on him, but he pulls it off!
To make matters worse, over the weekend he got the worse diaper rash ever! He has never had diaper rash before either. My poor baby! He would cry and shake when I changed him. It was so sad.
....But, all that has cleared up now. Aside from the hard lump on his forehead, he is doing much, much better now. I am so thankful. He went through so much, but things can always be worse.
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