Sunday, October 21, 2007

Funny Things...

Blue hair...
We went to the Puyallup Fair last month and I had the great idea that we should get Thad's hair colored. Not such a good idea. Poor kid, did not like it. Was upset the whole time the gal was putting the color in. We did get a lot of compliments though!

Thad was at the table and wanted to play with his container of spoons and forks..I also keep binkies in it. We looked over and just had to take a picture of this...David felt he had to "show him up". I think David won for most binkies in the mouth at once.

You know, he looks so much like his cousin Mason in this picture, strong family genes!

The butt...
I just love the "Butt" pictures too!! I must have a hundred like this...Just thought I'd share one! Enjoy!!


simonsenfamily said...

Can't believe I missed the blue hair! I bet he looked cute. Soon, he can sport a mohawk like his Daddy. That will be a cute pic.

Jenny said...

Seriously, I can't believe how much he looks like Mason. Could this be a Gough gene? It must be, right?

kaseburg said...

The Mohawk comes next summer! Can't wait!! It will be too cute! Maybe some blue hair then too??

...and yes Jenny, those genes must run pretty strong. Wow, what will yours and Jeff's kids look like! Having kids.. Weird..